The global development of the banking and finance system has led to the emergence and growth of many new financial instruments and institutions. The general approach in our country and worldwide is to specially regulate this continuously evolving field due to its economic and sociological importance and to ensure that operations are conducted within certain rules based on various licenses, permits, and authorization documents.


At this point, banks, other credit institutions, leasing companies, factoring firms, asset management companies, and other financial institutions, as well as actors with business relations with these financial institutions, require legal consultancy both in terms of regulatory compliance and contractual relationships. Aksan Law Firm provides the following services:

Our services include:

    • Managing the establishment and operating license application processes for all financial institutions, primarily banks,
    • Providing consultancy for foreign banks to open branches in Turkey,
    • Offering legal consultancy in the field of Islamic banking,
    • Drafting financing agreements, including project financing and asset financing agreements,
    • Preparing green financing agreements,
    • Providing legal consultancy on cross-border loan agreements.

Bankacılık ve Finans Departmanı

Melih Aksan

Senior Partner

Onur Ergün

Senior Partner

40th Year

We are celebrating 40 years in law.
