As Aksan Law Firm, we provide legal services to local and foreign television and radio channels, digital broadcasting platforms, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, publishing houses, music production companies, advertising agencies, managers, all print, visual and digital press and broadcasting organizations and individuals, cinema, theater and television actors, producers, directors and screenwriters, music composers and interpreters and all other institutions and individuals operating in the media sector.


Our scope of services as Media Law Department;

  • Providing legal support to new ventures engaged in broadcasting, advertisement, entertainment and gaming platforms, software, goods and services trade and other similar activities through media tools or to be established to operate in these areas,
  • Drafting and follow-up of media companies, license, sponsorship, advertising, management, production, acting, press, broadcasting, series, film, internet, social media, cooperation and all other contracts within the scope of media law,
  • Protection of personal data, publisher-broadcaster relations, access blocking, temporary-indefinite closure decisions, infrastructure services and standards and other similar issues, planning and resolution of disputes in this regard,
  • Exercise of copyright and other rights related to intellectual and artistic works, follow-up of foreign royalty receivables of actors, directors and screenwriters,
  • Follow-up of material and moral damage lawsuits filed due to written and visual publications,
  • Management of appeals against fines imposed by the Radio and Television Supreme Council and legal processes with administrative authorities,
  • Ensuring that the activities of the media organ comply with the legislation in force.

Media Law Department

Zeynep Taydaş

Managing Associate

40th Year

We are celebrating 40 years in law.
